Registration Information

Registration is by appointment only. Please contact Ms. Littleton at (314) 653-8072 or email to schedule an appointment for registration. Please bring the following documents with you:

If you are missing any of the following documents, please see the next section.

1.  Student's Birth Certificate*

2. Updated Immunization Record or Exemption card*

3. Occupancy Permit (Note: you and your student MUST be listed). You can obtain this from the City of Jennings.*

4. Lease (Note: If your lease is set to expire in the next 90 day, you will need to bring a new lease. Your name MUST be on the lease.)*

5. Ameren EU or Spire bill dated within the last 30 days in your name.*

6.Health Insurance card ( Optional)

7. IEP (SSD Records, if applicable) 

8. Copy of Last Report Card ( If your student is going to 1st-6th grade only)

9. Lead Screening (Kindergarten only)

10. Parent/ Guardian Drivers License or State ID

* Required Documents


 Section 2


If you are considered a Student in Transition,please contact Ms. Heather Simpson at 314-653-8169 to make an appointment for registration.

  Students in Transition (SIT) refers to students who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.  This includes but limited to:

  • Students sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing or economic hardship, called “Doubled-Up”

  • Evictions

  • Foreclosures

  • Fires

  • Flooding

  • Students living in hotel/motels

  • Students living in shelters/transitional housing

  • Utilities currently off

  • Domestic Violence situations

  • Unaccompanied Youth

  • Dangerous/Health Hazards (i.e. mold, condemned, etc.)