
What does an elementary school counselor do?
- Helps ALL children
- Teaches classroom guidance lessons dealing with understanding of self and others, communication skills, decision making skills, conflict resolution skills, and career exploration
- Works with children individually and in small groups
- Consults with parents and teachers
- Conducts parent workshops
- Assists with crisis intervention
- Coordinates Conflict Manager Program
- Organizes annual Career Fair
- Assists with Kindergarten screenings
Dr. Velma Burse
Phone: 314-653-8088

How does a student get to see the counselor?
- the student may ask to go to the counselor’s office or fill out a special kid’s referral form
- the teacher or principal can send him or her
- Mom, Dad or another care provider can request counseling services
- a school friend may invite him or her for a special visit
What might a student talk about while in the counseling office?
- feelings about him/herself
- difficulty in making or getting along with friends
- a family problem
- a school problem
- a fear or worry
- a physical concern
- the need for a little tender loving care

In any counseling situation confidentiality is maintained except:
1. In cases of suspected abuse or neglect.
2. If a child poses a danger to self or others.
3. The child and/or parent/guardian gives permission to share.